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Idle Hands Are the Devil's Workshop

Ross Silver • November 13, 2019
Many of the fund managers I speak with as well as high net worth types seem to be sitting on their hands. I am not hearing from people I respect phrases like, “I am buying…” or “I added to…” Instead I am hearing funds are leaving and heading towards ETF’s. This is backed up by Morningstar’s most recent fund flow data which stated, “Overall, passive U.S. equity funds saw $22.9 billion in inflows while active U.S. equity funds had $19.1 billion in outflows in September.” The transition from active management to passive ETF’s is alarming to me also. I understand the equity markets have done nothing but go up for the past 10 years but there is a reason for money management professionals, just like there is a reason for doctors and lawyers. I am nervous and think we may be headed lower and with all the money out of professional’s hands, the acute nature of a potential downturn may be vicious.

An investor who I respect that makes a living shorting stocks (thinking stocks will move lower instead of higher) told me he can’t handle another margin call. A margin call is when an investor bets a stock goes one direction, yet goes the other and the investor made the trade on margin meaning they borrowed money. Margin calls are no fun and require a cash infusion into the account or else the brokerage firm will close your position and hand you a loss. This investor has made a career shorting stocks and he has had enough. I told him that likely means the top has arrived and nothing can go up forever, to which he responded “only a fool fights a battle he cannot win.” I get that this market is massively controlled by our government, but the thought that humans can control anything is a fallacy. 

So, what is your point here Ross? My point is; idle hands are the devil’s workshop. If anyone thinks markets are just going to continue going up and not have some hedge built in, well, good luck to you. While having any sort of downside hedge has been a loser the past 10 years, it may not be a loser now. Don’t be complacent!

Silver Sports Desk
The flag football season just wrapped up and my 1st & 2nd grade team was a force. While we don’t keep official score in the league, the kids do and they knew that nobody came within three touchdowns of them. My oldest son transformed into a legitimate quarterback and was throwing all over the field and accurately towards the end of the season. When I say accurate, I am talking throwing a football into a mailbox accurate. My middle son had one of the coolest touchdown runs of the season and put a juke move on another kid that was incredible. They both were absolute monsters on defense and opposing teams scored one touchdown in our final 4 games. I am very proud of my boys and I am coaching them both in basketball starting this weekend.

My daughter and youngest son remain in the “Silver Athletic Incubator” but there are some serious signs of talent and fearlessness from both of them. My daughter can run like the wind and is the most agile of all my children. She is going to be a force come soccer season next year and when she is old enough to play flag football; she will be on the field. My youngest son may be a race car driver. I purchased an electric fire truck for him and he drives that thing like it is stolen. ☺

Featured Company:
One World Pharma Inc. (ticker: OWPC) or (“OWP”) is the U.S. parent company of One World Pharma S.A.S, a fully licensed cannabis and hemp producer with offices and operations in Bogota and Popayan, Colombia. One World Pharma planted its first crop of cannabis in 2018 at its cultivation site in Popayan, Colombia, for research purposes and expects to begin harvesting commercially in the first quarter of 2020. The company intends to supply the highest quality cannabis and hemp derivatives in crude oil, distillate and isolate forms with industrial scale production to serve global cannabis demand. Its products will be produced and tested to GMP and ISO standards.

OWP utilizes their extensive knowledge & research of the cannabis plant to cultivate specific strains from around the world - with 20+ registered strains at ICA and dozens more awaiting approval. Additionally, the company works closely with its customers in creating the ingredients for their products. Customers define what cannabis molecule combination they desire and OWP grows the plant that fully complies to the request. OWP then extracts and refines into oil, distillate and isolate, according to the order requirement. Customers can define their requirements in advance on a contractual basis or purchase off-the-shelf.
Since farming in the U.S. is highly regulated and costly, OWP discovered farms in Colombia that were run by indigenous locals. By partnering with local farmers and starting an outreach program with cannabis entrepreneurs, OWP was able to triple the amount of farmland they had. Their exclusive partnerships give power to marginalized communities by including them in the process and helping them create and maintain a new fruitful local economy.

OWP recently announced the upcoming launch of the cannabis industry’s first ‘Cannabis Futures’ program at their growing operations in Colombia, which if executed properly may be a game changer for the company and industry. OWP’s program is designed to support and fuel projected global cannabis industry growth by allowing manufacturers to fix their price in advance for cannabis and hemp derived ingredients produced by OWP at space specifically allocated to each specific manufacturer at OWP’s cultivation facilities in Colombia. The commoditized approach to sourcing hemp and cannabis ingredients anticipates and recognizes the natural maturity of the legal cannabis market and offers manufacturers of consumer-packaged goods (CPG) an easy way to enter the cannabis products market with a consistent supply of ingredients and predictable pricing.

One World Pharma’s mission is to be the most reliable global provider of consistent high-quality cannabis & hemp products as ingredients at the most competitive price. 

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